Artists Begin Building Trump’s Border Wall Sending Mexico the Bill
July 8, 2016
“Ever since Donald J. Trump announced his plans to build a wall at the border, pundits and voters have been debating how it would work. Now a pair of artists have offered an example: They have built a wall — or the start of one, anyway — near the edge of Jacumba Hot Springs, Calif., a border town about 70 miles southeast of San Diego.”
Artists Spend Year on the Road Protesting Trump in his Original Campaign Bus
November 8, 2016
“We have had a lot of closet Trump supporters come up to us, from all walks of life.”
After buying Trump’s campaign bus off of Craigslist,
2 artists turned it into a mobile mockery of the man
July 20, 2016
“In the midst of the Republican National Convention, an out-of-the-ordinary Donald Trump campaign bus will roll into Cleveland. Rather than support the presidential candidate, this bus mocks him and his personal brand.“
Meet the activists who turned Trump Campaign’s Bus into an art installation.
September, 2016 “On this episode of Daily VICE, we hit the campaign trail with two
inspired artists who purchased an old Trump campaign bus and transformed
it into a vehicle with an anti-Trump message. ”
Golden Shower heads, bloody painting. meet the artists fighting Trump
January 20, 2017
“Artists working hard to show the new president that he’s not going to take away our rights easily…”
Art critic Joan Francesca Ainaud discusses the Trump wall artworks on Barcelona TV’s Art comment on “Les 10 Noticies” (BTV)
January 27, 2017
This ten-minute segment takes an in-depth look at the Trump walls the artists built on the Mexico border.
Art of the wheel:
Trump’s campaign bus rolls into Dumbo for election exhibit
July 13, 2016
“This exhibit is gonna be huge!
One of Donald Trump’s former presidential campaign buses is heading for Dumbo’s Smack Mellon gallery on July 30, but the two people behind the wheel are not supporters of the billionaire Republican — they have turned the bus into the country’s biggest, classiest rolling art installation against the candidate.”
Artists who’ve repurposed Trump bus
as art are bringing it to Brooklyn
July 13, 2016
“Would you be surprised to learn that the campaign bus Donald Trump used during the Iowa causes in February came equipped with a stripper pole? Yeah, us neither.”
El peligro de conducir un autobús
que parece que apoya a Donald Trump
July 12, 2016
“Les han tirado huevos, insultado y pintado símbolos fascistas en su autobús, es por eso que tienen miedo y llevan chalecos antibalas para continuar con su proyecto artístico crítico con Donald Trump. Próxima parada: la Convención Nacional Republicana.”
It’s going to make art great again. The street artists taking on Trump.
January 25, 2017
“At an anti-Trump rally this weekend, the film-maker Michael Moore took the stage to say the president could be taken down with political satire. “Let’s form an army of comedy and we will bring him down,” he said. “He is affected by ridicule.” That army of comedic artists has been pounding the pavement this weekend for a fresh crop of post-inauguration street art…”
rtists Start to Build Trump’s Border Wall, Using Anti-Trump Art
July 11, 2016
“The beginnings of a wall with Trump’s name on it have emerged along the US-Mexico border, but it is not likely what the presumptive Republican nominee has in mind. Last week, art collective t. Rutt erected the 52-cinder block structure near Jacumba Hot Springs, California, a mere 20 yards away from an official, looming border fence, to contemplate the economic effects of restricting immigration from Mexico.”
Artists Visit NJ to Drive Trump out of Presidential Race
October 13, 2016
“Gleeson and Brooklyn-based artist Mary Mihelic, whose bus was denied entrance onto the Trump National Golf Course on Wednesday, are among a growing number, including ranking Republicans, who are trying to knock Trump out of a presidential race. Gleeson has challenged Trump to a $180,000 golf duel.”
Artists Build Trump Border Wall, Banksy Mural Destroyed by Construction Workers
July 11, 2016
“Artists start construction on Trump’s border wall, send Mexico the bill. David Gleeson and Mary Mihelic first made headlines last year when they purchased a former Trump campaign bus and turned it into an Anti-Trump artwork on wheels.”
California ya cuenta con un muro fronterizo que
lleva el nombre de Trump
July 11, 2016
“Dos activistas han construido una fase del muro fronterizo que reclama Donald Trump, una obra ubicada en California y que trata de mostrar el absurdo de los proyectos políticos del magnate. Los autores, siguiendo la idea del empresario, han enviado la factura de su obra al presidente de México.”

Meet the Anti-Trump Artists Driving his Campaign Bus Around the Country
August 4, 2016
They turned the bus into a roving anti-Trump artwork that has now traveled across the country—including the Democratic National Conventional in Philadelphia and the Republican National Convention in Cleveland last month.
The Political Art that Trump and Clinton Inspired
November 8, 2106
“We hope this is the beginning of the process” of finding common ground between Democrats and Republicans…”
Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, the Unlikely Muses
September 23, 2016
“Two weeks ago, David Gleeson and Mary Mihelic travelled to Jacumba Hot Springs, California to install a section of Donald Trump’s wall along the Mexican border. Using ropes, ladders and shoes that they found nearby, they created a poignant piece inspired by the presidential candidate’s controversial immigration plan…”
T.rump Bus Trails Donald Trump Baffling Fans Revelling in Absurdity of Campaign
October 24, 2016
“It is in fact a genuine Trump campaign bus, or at least it was until it was bought by a pair of artists early on during the primary campaign…”
Can Anti-Trump Artists Make Protest Art Great Again?
July 4, 2016
“Trump has a micropenis. Trump is a pile of poop with a toupee. Trump is a barf bag. Trump has a face made of menstrual blood. When it comes to depictions of the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, the more grotesque, the better.”
Former campaign bus rolls into Los Angeles
as anti-Trump protest art
July 2, 2016
“A former Greyhound bus with “TRUMP” emblazoned along its side slowly made its way down the Pacific Coast Highway, trailed by the occasional honk, a burst of expletives or a show of thumbs — some up, some down.”
August 5, 2016
David Gleeson und Mary Mihelic haben einen ausrangierten Donald-Trump-Bus gekauft und mit Slogans beschriftet, die ihn veräppeln. Aus “Make America great again” wurde “Make fruit punch great again”, statt “TRUMP” steht dort “T.RUMP”,wobei, “rump” für Arsch oder Hintern steht.
The bus was featured and used as the
backdrop for the live coverage of the RNC in front of millions of viewers in Tokyo.
Anti-Trump Art Bus Dons Disguise to Deter Attacks from Confused Trump Haters
June 23, 2016
“A few weeks ago, in Las Vegas, the T.RUMP Bus — a former Donald Trump campaign bus transformed into a traveling anti-Trump art project — got egged in a Walmart parking lot. Later, in Denver, a man spray-painted an inverted pentagram on its side.”
Les Etats Unis de Trump Murs Pour la Guerre Raciale
July 19, 2016
“Dans le contexte post-Orlando, le candidat républicain a placé la convention de Cleveland sous le signe de la sécurité, attisant la haine des immigrés et des musulmans…”
Trump Bus artists Meet Presidential Candidate Gary Johnson
October 24, 2016
The camera was rolling as Governor and libertarian Presidential Candidate Gary Johnson walked by the Trump bus. Watch it on Canadian TV.
June 1, 2016
“In fall 2015, Donald Trump’s former campaign bus went up for sale on Craigslist. Two artists purchased it, turned it into a roving anti-Trump contemporary artwork and hit the road. ”
Bus protesting Donald Trump campaign aims to ‘Make Fruit Punch Great Again’
May 11, 2016
“A rolling piece of art that has been following Donald Trump around the country made an appearance in Omaha on election day.
A former Trump campaign bus, which replaced his slogan “Make America Great Again” with “Make Fruit Punch Great Again” and “Women Trump Trump,” was parked on Harney Street next to the Orpheum Theater on Tuesday evening.”
More Gold Than Donald’s Hair. My Visit to the T.rump Bus
June 15, 2016
“He said something like, ‘if we are to change our world view, images must change. The artist now has a very important job to do.’
Artists turn former Trump bus into anti-Trump art
February 23, 2016
“On Saturday, as Donald Trump cruised to a victory in the South Carolina Republican primary, Mary Mihelic and David Gleeson were in Charleston behind the wheel of a big blue campaign bus formerly used by the business mogul.”
The Artists on the Road in Trump’s Old Campaign Bus
May 30, 2016
“Then, because of payment disputes with the bus company, it was put on Craigslist. This is where Mary Mihelic and David Gleeson, two working artists, picked it up and turned it into a moving parody, a cross-country art installation.”
The Rachel Maddow Show features the Trump bus on its Best New Thing in the World segment.
The Rachel Maddow Show describes how Donald Trump’s campaign bus went from being a Trump Campaign vehicle in Iowa and was transformed into an anti-Trump artwork.
Trolling Tr
ump Vol 3: These Artists Are Using Trump’s Old Bus to Redefine His Brand
April 30, 2016
“On the night of the New York primary, the Empire State Building shed its red, white, and blue colors to signal Trump’s absolute victory over the state with what might only be described as a terrifying crimson glow.”
Artists turn former Trump campaign bus into anti-Trump art
February 22, 2016
“On Saturday, as Donald Trump cruised to a victory in the South Carolina Republican primary, Mary Mihelic and David Gleeson were in Charleston behind the wheel of a big blue campaign bus ”
See how a Philly artist hijacked a Trump campaign bus to protest the billionaire
February 11, 2016
“As Donald Trump headed toward a decisive victory in the New Hampshire primary on Tuesday night, Philadelphia artist David Gleeson was steering a big blue bus once used by the billionaire businessman’s presidential campaign through the Granite State.”
Artists Building Trump’s Border Wall
Send Bill to Mexico
July 11, 2016
“Artists David Gleeson and Mary Mihelic decided it was time to deliver on one of Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump’s promises to America—the building of a border wall between the United States and Mexico to be paid for by Mexico, Melena Ryzik of the New York Times reports.”
Traveling menstrual show: Philly artist brings T.RUMP bus to N.H.
February 9, 2016
“In the last few months, Philadelphia artist David Gleeson has been called a “fascist,” a “Nazi” and simply “un-American,” among other slurs. These are the hazards of driving a rehabbed Donald Trump campaign bus to political rallies and parking it outside party town halls.”
February 3, 2016
“An article published today by the Atlantic spotlights a surge of satirical and critical art aimed at the Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, with a focus on the artists David Gleeson and Mary Mihelic’s T.RUMP Bus project.”
Can Art Trump Trump?
February 3, 2016
“In October 2015, the artists David Gleeson and Mary Mihelic purchased a Donald Trump tour bus on Craigslist. It was the start of an art project that for the last few months has seen the newly dubbed T.RUMP Bus on the trail from Philadelphia to Miami Beach to Iowa.”
Artists Buy Trump Campaign Bus on Craigslist, Turn It Into Anti-Trump Art Project
February 1, 2016
“Late last year, David Gleeson and Mary Mihelic, cofounders of politically minded art collective T. Rutt, learned via Rachel Maddow that a Donald Trump campaign bus was up for sale on Craigslist in Des Moines, Iowa. Trump’s team had used the bus — a former bachelor party bus, complete with a stripper pole — to campaign at the Iowa State Fair.”
Trump’s old Iowa campaign bu
s turned into satirical art – stripper pole and all
January 31, 2016
“The campaign bus was attracting funny looks. On its side was the by now all-too-familiar last name of the Republican presidential frontrunner. Somewhere inside the castle-shaped hotel next door, Donald Trump was holding court, as hundreds awaited another rally of bombast and branding.”
Using Trump’s Old Bus Redefine Brand
April 30, 2016
“On the face of this blue beast are the words “Hasta La Vista Donny” and “The Scrotal Majority” as references to his remarks about Mexicans and his shaky relationship with female voters…”
Wake up With Jeremy Grunin
October, 7, 2016
The Jersey Shore’s morning radio talk show host invites t.Rutt artist Mary Mihelic
into the studio for the morning talk.
Old Trump bus turned on candidate
January 26, 2016
“A former Donald Trump campaign bus has been transformed into an anti-Trump art display, and it’s making its way through New Hampshire. “Sometimes people will give you the finger out the window…”
Donald Trump’s old campaign bus is now a Miami art exhibit
December 3, 2015
“Donald Trump may want to fire the staffer who let his old Iowa campaign bus fall into the hands of a lefty artist from Philly.”
December 3, 2015
“At first glance, the tour bus looks like the real thing: It’s huge, it’s painted the right color blue, and covering one side, in all caps and that signature white font, it’s painted with “TRUMP.” ”
Trump Campaign Bus Rolls Into Palm Coast, Transformed as Donald Anti-Matter
November 30, 2015
“You weren’t hallucinating if you saw what looked like a big blue Trump campaign bus in Palm Coast this morning. The bus had parked for the night at the Hampton Inn off of State Road 100, then spent an hour prepping for the next leg of its journey to Miami Beach by the Mobil station on 100.”
Clout: Make fruit punch great again?
November 13, 2015
“IN THE INTEREST of combatting the absurdity of the Republican presidential field – and creating engaging art – some politically minded Philly-area artists bought a gargantuan tour bus used by Donald Trump‘s presidential campaign and let people throw fruit punch at it.”
October 25, 2015
“Pulling into the Chris Christie event in Newton, I was shocked to see the Trump bus in the parking lot. Was Donald Trump crashing Christie’s event? Walking up to the bus it was clear that Trump was not there. The original “Trump” was painted over and new words were painted on either side.”
Philly artists take aim at Trump – using his former tour bus
October 22, 2015
“A former Donald Trump campaign tour bus is heading toward Philadelphia from Iowa this week – only, it’s received a few modifications. Instead of TRUMP, the large block letters on the side now read “T. RUMP.””
Christie, anti-Trump bus show up at Raceway Cafe
October 22,2015
“New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie’s appearance Wednesday at Newton’s Raceway Cafe had all of the elements of most campaign events — including a bus. The bus, formerly used for candidate Donald Trump during his Iowa campaigns, is now the property of the anonymous artist t.Rutt, who has hired artists to repaint and drive the bus from Iowa to Philadelphia.”
October 20, 2015
“Ever since the presidential campaigns started heating up, Donald Trump became one of the favorite targets for American artists. Homophobic and statements of the presidential candidate were not received without criticism and artists are trying to drive Trump out of the race, this time little bit more literally, by turning his presidential campaign bus into the anti-Trump art installation.”
Trump bus transformed into ‘anti-Trump’ mobile, will debut at Christie event
October 20,2015
“A rented bus that traversed Iowa in support of Donald Trump’s presidential campaign has been transformed into an anti-Trump mobile, and its first stop is a Gov. Chris Christie campaign event on Wednesday.”
Anti-Trump campaign bus, art project coming to Philadelphia
October 20, 2015
“Philadelphia is a city that’s no stranger to random acts of vandalism and destruction. Yes, just ask Hitchbot (R.I.P.). So it only makes sense that the team behind transforming Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s former Iowa campaign bus into a giant vehicular art project hail from the City of Brotherly Love.”
Artist Turns Trump Campaign Bus Against the Candidate
October 20, 2015
“A bus that ferried Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump between Iowa campaign stops this summer will be transformed into a vehicle for expressing anti-Trump sentiment, courtesy of anonymous artist t.Rutt. The bus is currently on the road, headed from Iowa to Philadelphia, where the artist lives.”
Donald Trump’s campaign bus has been turned into a subversive art piece
October 20, 2015
“A Donald Trump campaign bus that was listed for sale on Craigslist in late September has been purchased, though the seller may not be too happy with the result. Steve Drake, who leased the bus to Trump’s Iowa campaign and describes himself as a supporter, put the bus on Craigslist after the campaign was done with it, since he “figured [he] could sell it while it’s hot, while Donald’s hot.”
“Trump campaign bus becomes anti-Trump work of art“
October 19, 2015
“A bus that traveled the state of Iowa this summer as a mobile advertisement for Donald Trump’s presidential campaign is now headed to Miami as a piece of conceptual art. And it’s not exactly supportive of Trump’s candidacy.”
Trump Campaign Bus Conceptual Art
October 19, 2015
A bus that traveled the state of Iowa this summer as a mobile advertisement for Donald Trump’s presidential campaign is now headed to Miami as a piece of conceptual art. And it’s not exactly supportive of Trump’s candidacy…
Artists Transform Donald Trump Campaign Bus
August 3, 2016
“Here’s a piece of advice: if you see a Trump campaign bus driving through town, don’t run away. It may not be what you think…”